Blog post

Add Sight to Your ESP32

By David Schwarz
Add Sight to Your ESP32

The ESP32, known for its low price, powerful wireless capabilities, and energy efficiency, is widely used in affordable IoT solutions. What many don’t know is that using the Arduino framework and Edge Impulse, this tiny processor can run powerful machine learning algorithms with only a few lines of added code.

Here at Edge Impulse, we’ve used the ESP32 with multiple different camera modules to run image recognition ML models on-device. These models are capable of a variety of complex tasks - detecting if a person is in frame, evaluating crop growth, or even estimating the weight of an object, all just from a photo!

With our free platform for embedded machine learning, you can run any of these projects on the ESP32, or create your own by following our Adding Sight to Your Sensors tutorial. The model can be deployed as an open-source Arduino library with everything you need to run your trained impulse, and this library can be added to an existing ESP32 Arduino project with a single click.

Interested in trying this out yourself? All you’ll need to get started is an ESP32 dev kit and one of the following camera modules:

What’s more is that these examples can run any trained image classification model just by replacing the Edge Impulse library. This works without any changes to the ESP32 firmware itself, meaning you can rapidly prototype and test your machine learning algorithms in the real world.

Finally, Edge Impulse also supports processing any type of sensor data on the ESP32, not just images! A minimal code example for running any standalone edge impulse model on the ESP32 can be found here. From this starting point, you can add any Arduino compatible sensor drivers, and use our data forwarder to collect training data.



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