Blog post


By Jan Jongboom

Mind. Blown. Today, we surpassed 10,000 projects on Edge Impulse. When Zach and I launched Edge Impulse just 11 months ago, we dreamt of building a real community around embedded machine learning, but we never expected it to grow this fast. I’d like to thank everyone in our community who has used Edge Impulse to build real products, share their learnings, and teach others — you are awesome! In this blog post we’ll reflect on the past year, look at some interesting stats, and give a sneak peek of the future.

First, the stats! In these 10,000 projects you have collected 5,273,168 labeled real-world data samples, connected 9,082 devices, and used over seven years of compute time to run jobs and train models. Our daily offsite backup now runs at 803 GB, and that excludes the 10 TB of data we manage for our enterprise customers. And this is rapidly increasing! You’ve added almost 2,000 projects and 1,100,000 data samples in just last month. Edge Impulse now has over 6,500 developers from over 1,000 companies!

I also love how global our community has become. According to Google Analytics we’ve had sessions from 136 countries with the US, Ireland and India leading the pack in users, and Vietnam, Japan and China leading in average session duration.

At the same time, Edge Impulse has grown as a company to support you! When we launched on January 31, 2020 during The Things Conference in Amsterdam, we were only a team of four (with Mathijs Baaijens and Dan Situnayake joining us the month prior), which has grown to 15 today (with three more people starting soon!). Together we wrote 42 blog posts, did 6,493 commits to all repositories, and got Johan Stokking to dress up as a sheep twice.

Now... onto the next 25,000! In the coming months we’re releasing some really cool things that will make it even easier to share projects, build novel types of machine learning models, and enable every developer to add real intelligence to their devices. Over the past 11 months, we’ve seen a wide variety of super interesting devices made smarter with ML, from power line monitors and elephant trackers to smart table tennis paddles, dumbells and magic wands —- and we can’t wait to see what you’ll build in 2021!

Not part of the community yet? Get started here and build your first ML model, with your own data,in half an hour or less!



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