Edge Impulse Announces Support for Particle B-Series Devices

We are thrilled to announce that Edge Impulse now fully supports Particle's B-Series devices, including the Boron and B5SOM modules. This exciting development allows developers, engineers, and IoT enthusiasts to harness the power of these versatile hardware platforms within the Edge Impulse Studio ecosystem.

A Powerful Partnership

Particle’s B-Series devices are renowned for their robust and reliable connectivity options, including cellular and Wi-Fi, making them ideal for edge and IoT applications. With Edge Impulse's industry-leading platform for machine learning (ML) at the edge, the partnership creates new possibilities for developing intelligent, data-driven solutions, even at the far edge where only cellular connections can reach. Now, you can leverage the Boron and B5SOM modules directly in Edge Impulse Studio to build and deploy cutting-edge ML models tailored to your specific needs.

Along with our support for the Particle Photon 2, this collaboration will empower a new wave of edge intelligence innovations. Join us in celebrating this milestone and unlock the full potential of your Particle B-Series devices with Edge Impulse Studio. Visit our documentation to learn more and embark on your next edge AI journey today!



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