Announcing Official Support for the Alif Ensemble E7 Development Kit

Today we are excited to announce official support for the Alif Ensemble Development kit.

The Ensemble platform is the first implementation of the Arm Ethos-U55 micro neural processing unit (microNPU) and Cortex-M55 low-power MCU. The Ensemble development kit features:

The high-power core shows impressive performance, able to run our FOMO object detection architecture with less than one millisecond of inferencing latency! Meanwhile, the high-efficiency core excels in continuous environmental sensing in battery-powered applications.

Data ingestion, algorithm development, and model deployment to either core is fully supported in Edge Impulse.

How do I get started?

Contact Alif Semiconductor for information on purchasing an Ensemble DevKit.

Then follow our getting started guide to connect your device to Edge Impulse, and start developing the next generation of intelligent devices today.



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